St. Clair, City (St. Clair, MI)



(23-36) Fireworks suspension
(23-35) Early Voting Site
(23-34) Support TAP grant Cox road sidewalk
(23-33) 2022-2023 Budget Amendments Exhibit A
(23-33) 2022-2023 Budget Adjustments
(23-32) St. Clair County Parks ReCreate Klecha Park
(23-31) Non-profit recognition of Tires and Treads
(23-30) FY 2024 Budget
(23-29) MDOT contract: Fred W Moore 7th to Clinton
(23-28) Award of WTP contract
(23-27) CBH and Jordan Creek Drive Special Assessment Approval
(23-26) CBH and Jordan Creek Dr. Accepting the Assessment Roll
(23-25) TEDF CatB Grant Resolution Oakwood and Glendale
(23-24) TEDF CatB Grant Resolution Adams
(23-23) CBH and Jordan Creek Drive Post Public Hearing
(23-22) 2023 TAMP
(23-21) MDOT Clinton Ave. bikeway contract
(23-20) Protecting MI Pensions
(23-19) Special assessment public hearing-Christian B Haas/Jordan Creek
(23-18) Non-profit recognition -St. Clair Garden Club
(23-17) Local government approval to apply to the MLCC.Hamlin Pub
(23-16) Local government approval to apply to the MLCC.Riverbank Theatre
(23-15) Supplemental Notice of Intent-2023 DWSRF Revenue Bonds May 18, 2023
(23-14) Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate-Magna
(23-13) Cross Connection program
(23-12) Inches Drain expenditures
(23-11) Alcohol Resolution
(23-10) Jordan Creek Drain expenditures
(23-09)Authority to execute documents-Magna
(23-08) Carney Drive MDOT Contract amendment
(23-07) Notice of Intent Resolution 2023-Water System Capital Improvement bonds
(23-06) Notice of Intent 2023 DWSRF revenue bonds
(23-05) Revised Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(23-04) Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(23-02) Parks and Recreation Master Plan
(23-01) Fireworks suspension


(21-36) Certification of Additional streets-Woodland Estates
(21-35) Renaming of Christian B Haas North to Magna Drive
(21-34) Ward Division
(21-33) Vacation of unused streets (Gearing/Eddy properties)
(21-32) MDOT-Grant-Agreement-Carney Drive
(21-31) Lot Split-Riverview-Plaza Association
(21-30) 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments Exhibit A
(21-30) 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments
(21-29) 2021-2022 Fee Schedule amendments
(21-28) Lot Split-S. Sixth
(21-27) Lot Combine-Clinton
(21-26) Local State of Emergency Declaration 2
(21-25) Sewer Rate Adjustment
(21-24) 2021 Possession and Consumption of Alcohol
(21-23) Budget Charter Amendments
(21-22) DWSRF Plan Adoption
(21-21) Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption-Magna
(21-20) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
(21-19) Rescind Water Moratorium
(21-18) Exhibit A
(21-18) 2020.2021 Quarterly Budget Adjustments
(21-17) Actions to Mitigate COVID-19 transmission
(21-16) Woodland Final Approval Resolution
(21-15) Woodland Estates Special Assessment
(21-14) Golf Fund Deficit Elimination Plan
(21-13) Vacation of Christian B Haas Drive
(21-12) Local State of Emergency
(21-11) Credit Card Policy Update
(21-10) Authorizing Signatory-IT services w/Oakland County
(21-09) Authorizing Installment Purchase Agreement-VAC truck
(21-08) Woodland Estates Post Public Hearing
(21-07) Clinton Avenue Bikeway Funding Commitment
(21-06) TEDF-A-Carney Drive (funding for Carney Drive)
(21-05) Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines (UPDATED
(21-04) Woodland Estates Special Assessment Investigation
(21-03) Adoption of Master Plan -Council
(21-02) Adoption of Master Plan- Planning Commission
(21-01) Fireworks suspension