(24-15) FY24 Budget Amendments
(24-15) FY24 Budget Amendments Exhbit A
(24-14) State Trunkline Maintenance Agreement
(24-13) FY25 Budget
(24-12) Lot Combine N. Riverside Ave
(24-11) Jordan Creek Drain
(24-10) Alcohol Resolution
(24-09) St. Clair Rotary 100th Anniversary
(24-08) Recreation Passport Grant
(24-07) Recognition of non profit status-St. Clair Police Foundation
(24-06) ACT 51 -acceptance of Riley Road
(24-05) Nonprofit status recognition-Friends of the St. Clair River
(24-04) MDOT performance resolution
(24-03) Lot Split-EPC
(24-02) Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(24-01) Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption revocation
(23-36) Fireworks suspension
(23-35) Early Voting Site
(23-34) Support TAP grant Cox road sidewalk
(23-33) 2022-2023 Budget Amendments Exhibit A
(23-33) 2022-2023 Budget Adjustments
(23-32) St. Clair County Parks ReCreate Klecha Park
(23-31) Non-profit recognition of Tires and Treads
(23-30) FY 2024 Budget
(23-29) MDOT contract: Fred W Moore 7th to Clinton
(23-28) Award of WTP contract
(23-27) CBH and Jordan Creek Drive Special Assessment Approval
(23-26) CBH and Jordan Creek Dr. Accepting the Assessment Roll
(23-25) TEDF CatB Grant Resolution Oakwood and Glendale
(23-24) TEDF CatB Grant Resolution Adams
(23-23) CBH and Jordan Creek Drive Post Public Hearing
(23-22) 2023 TAMP
(23-21) MDOT Clinton Ave. bikeway contract
(23-20) Protecting MI Pensions
(23-19) Special assessment public hearing-Christian B Haas/Jordan Creek
(23-18) Non-profit recognition -St. Clair Garden Club
(23-17) Local government approval to apply to the MLCC.Hamlin Pub
(23-16) Local government approval to apply to the MLCC.Riverbank Theatre
(23-15) Supplemental Notice of Intent-2023 DWSRF Revenue Bonds May 18, 2023
(23-14) Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate-Magna
(23-13) Cross Connection program
(23-12) Inches Drain expenditures
(23-11) Alcohol Resolution
(23-10) Jordan Creek Drain expenditures
(23-09)Authority to execute documents-Magna
(23-08) Carney Drive MDOT Contract amendment
(23-07) Notice of Intent Resolution 2023-Water System Capital Improvement bonds
(23-06) Notice of Intent 2023 DWSRF revenue bonds
(23-05) Revised Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(23-04) Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(23-02) Parks and Recreation Master Plan
(23-01) Fireworks suspension
(22-25) SPARK grant intent to apply-Palmer Park
(22-24) SPARK grant intent to apply-Greig Park
(22-23) SPARK grant intent to apply-Klecha Park
(22-22) TEDF-A grant application -Christian B Haas
(22-21) Hazard Mitigation Plan
(22-20) 2021-2022 Budget Adjustments Exhibit-A
(22-20) 2021-2022 Budget Adjustments
(22-19) MDNR grant
(22-18) LDFA Intent
(22-17) FY 2023 Budget
(22-16) Cox Drain expenditures
(22-15) Resolution Adopting Project Plan DWSRF
(22-14) TEDF-CatB Grant Resolution
(22-13) Brownfield Plan 200 N. Carney Dr
(22-12) Lot split 200 N. Carney
(22-11) MDOT Fred Moore Highway
(22-10) Annual-poverty-exemption-policy-and-guidelines
(22-09) Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate-Cargill
(22-08) Pine Shores Loan
(22-07) Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate-Cargill, Inc
(22-06) MDOT Street Administrator
(22-05) Modification of Tap-in fees: Riverbank-Theater
(22-04) Possession and Consumption of Alcohol
(22-03) Polling Place Change
(22-02) Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(22-01) Fireworks suspension
(21-36) Certification of Additional streets-Woodland Estates
(21-35) Renaming of Christian B Haas North to Magna Drive
(21-34) Ward Division
(21-33) Vacation of unused streets (Gearing/Eddy properties)
(21-32) MDOT-Grant-Agreement-Carney Drive
(21-31) Lot Split-Riverview-Plaza Association
(21-30) 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments Exhibit A
(21-30) 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments
(21-29) 2021-2022 Fee Schedule amendments
(21-28) Lot Split-S. Sixth
(21-27) Lot Combine-Clinton
(21-26) Local State of Emergency Declaration 2
(21-25) Sewer Rate Adjustment
(21-24) 2021 Possession and Consumption of Alcohol
(21-23) Budget Charter Amendments
(21-22) DWSRF Plan Adoption
(21-21) Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption-Magna
(21-20) Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
(21-19) Rescind Water Moratorium
(21-18) Exhibit A
(21-18) 2020.2021 Quarterly Budget Adjustments
(21-17) Actions to Mitigate COVID-19 transmission
(21-16) Woodland Final Approval Resolution
(21-15) Woodland Estates Special Assessment
(21-14) Golf Fund Deficit Elimination Plan
(21-13) Vacation of Christian B Haas Drive
(21-12) Local State of Emergency
(21-11) Credit Card Policy Update
(21-10) Authorizing Signatory-IT services w/Oakland County
(21-09) Authorizing Installment Purchase Agreement-VAC truck
(21-08) Woodland Estates Post Public Hearing
(21-07) Clinton Avenue Bikeway Funding Commitment
(21-06) TEDF-A-Carney Drive (funding for Carney Drive)
(21-05) Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines (UPDATED
(21-04) Woodland Estates Special Assessment Investigation
(21-03) Adoption of Master Plan -Council
(21-02) Adoption of Master Plan- Planning Commission
(21-01) Fireworks suspension
(20-24) Ward Charter Amendment
(20-23) ECSD Consent Agreement
(20-22) 2021 Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(20-21) Establish IDDMagna
(20-20)MERS Authorized Signer Resolution)
(20-19) Approve sale of industrial park
(20-18) Hugo Street Vacation
(20-17)Superintendent Contract Addendum Resolution
(20-16) Master Plan Right for final approval
(20-15)Non profit recognition Lelitos Legacy Foundation
(20-14) 2019.2020 Budget Adjustments
(20-12) Zoning Escrow Fee Policy
(20-11) 2020-21 Annual budget
(20-10) Golf Deficit Elimination Plan
(20-07) MDNR Trust fund grant application-Klecha Park
(20-06) MERS
(20-05)Resolution to support TAP grant
(20-04)Lot/Combine Fred Moore Highway
(20-02) Annual poverty exemption policy and guidelines
(20-01) 2018-19 Budget-adjustment
(19-30) City of St. Clair 457 Participation Agreement
(19-29)City of St. Clair 457 Resolution.1
(19-28)State Trunkline Maintenance Agreement
(19-27) Street-Contract-Resolution
(19-15) City Local Support Plan Resolution.1
(19-14)Local-Government-Approval Manninas Wine House
(19-13) City Employee Pension Mill Renewal
(19-12) Lot Split Combine N 6th Street/Vacant Lot
(19-11) Lot Combine Vine/N. Riverside
(19-10) 2019-2020 Budget Approval
(19-09) Orchard St -legal description of vacated portion update
(19-08) Transportation Economic Development Fund CatB program Goffe
(19-07) Transportation Economic Development Fund CatB program 5th
(19-06) Local Government Approval MCLL The Anchor Point Bistro
(19-05) MDOT Contract Clinton
(19-04) Establish a Commercial Rehabilitation District
(19-03) Commercial Rehabilitation District public hearing schedule
(19-02) St Clair Garden Club Gaming License
(19-01) Vacation of Seventh and Mulberry
(18-17) Resolution Approving Commercial Facilities Exemption On the Vine LLC
(18-16) Budget adjustment 2017-18
(18-16) Exhibit A
(18-15) Charter Amendment- Failed
(18-14) LotSplit St Clair Place
(18-13) Vacation of Frances Street Tabled
(18-12) Local Government Approval of Liquor License Application War Water
(18-11) Support of M-29 Road Diet
(18-10) 2018-2019 Annual Budget
(18-09) Local Government Approval of Liquor License Application Manninas Wine House
(18-08) Revised Local Government Approval of Liquor License Application Drifters
(18-07) SEMCOG 50th anniversary
(18-06.1) HSA to MERS Division 20 (SCPD)
(18-05) Support of MDOT M-29 study
(18-04) Nominating Petitions
(18-03) Parks and Recreation Master Plan
(18-02) Waive penalties for Real property
(18-01) Annual Poverty Exemption Guidelines and Policy
(17-26) Local Government Approval of Liquor License Application Drifters
(17-25) Local Government Approval of Liquor License Application Planet Clair LLC
(17-24.1) Lot split St Andrews
(17-24) Envirologic Contract
(17-23) Lot split Oak Street
(17-22) Approval of Development and Reimbursement agreement
(17-21) Support adoption of Brownfield Plan
(17-20) Authorization of SCInn MDEQ Grant Loan
(17-19) Vacation of Ruff and Orchard Street
(17-18) Budget adjustment 2016-17
(17-17) Approving Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate Planet Clair LLC
(17-16) IFT Wright Plastic Products
(17-15) Establish a Commercial Redevelopment District
(17-14) Authorization to participate in the MEDC RRC Program
(17-13) Commercial Redevelopment District public hearing schedule for August 21
(17-12) MDNR Trust Fund Grant Palmer Park Boardwalk Project
(17-11) Accepting Grant for new Voting equipment
(17-10) Establish a Commercial Rehabilitation District
(17-09) 2017-2018 Fiscal year budget, millage levy and appropriations act
(17-08) Commercial Redevelopment District public hearing
(17-06) Lot Combine Cass and Third
(17-05) MDOT Performance Resolution
(17-04) Nuclear Waste Repository in the Great Lakes Basin
(17-03) MDOT Contract St. Clair Highway
(17-02) Lot Combine Clinton Avenue
(17-01) Lot Combine Oakland Avenue
(16-15) Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act
(16-14) Vacation of Alley (Royal Street)
(16-13) St. Clair County Hazard Mitigation Plan
(16-12) Budget adjustment 2015-2016
(16-11) ECSD Millage renewal support
(16-10) US Bike Route 20 support
(16-09) SCAA gaming license
(16-08) Support of St. Clair County Drug Task Force Millage
(16-07) 2016-2017 Budget Approval
(16-06) Lot Split Combine Waterloo
(16-05) Lot Combine Clinton
(16-04) Lot Split Combine Brown
(16-03) BWORA as a service organization for a charitable gaming license
(16-02) Approval of application for a Michigan DNR Trust Fund Grant
(16-01) Support for the Goals and Objectives of the Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County